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Gallifreyan Embassy on WLIW 1987 War Games 3rd Break

Posted on November 30 2009 by LouisTrapani in Doctor, Who, PBS, pledge, drive, fan, club, Gallifreyan, Embassy, Who:, Podshock, Ken, Deep, Louis, Trapani

The Gallifreyan Embassy volunteering on the phones during WLIW's marathon of Doctor Who: The War Games in August 1987. This is the third break after episode 4 (they skipped the break after episode 3). This break ran 11 minutes (edited down to just over 9.5 for YouTube). Seen volunteering on the phones here are both Louis Trapani (hat and scarf) and Ken Deep (GE baseball style jersey shirt) of Doctor Who: Podshock and other GE members, Beth, Tim, Monique, and others. For more on Doctor Who: Podshock and Gallifreyan Embassy visit http://gallifreyanembassy.org or podshock.net

The Gallifreyan Embassy volunteering on the phones during WLIW's marathon of Doctor Who: The War Games in August 1987. This is the third break after episode 4 (they skipped the break after episode 3). This break ran 11 minutes (edited down to just over 9.5 for YouTube). Seen volunteering on the phones here are both Louis Trapani (hat and scarf) and Ken Deep (GE baseball style jersey shirt) of Doctor Who: Podshock and other GE members, Beth, Tim, Monique, and others. For more on Doctor Who: Podshock and Gallifreyan Embassy visit http://gallifreyanembassy.org or podshock.net

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